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The Prisoner


…was a remarkable 17 episode 1960s TV series that delighted in confounding its discerning weekly audience with its enigmatic apparently unfolding plot.  It has since achieved classic status while also being regarded as the mind-fudge blueprint for such film projects as ‘The Parallax View’, ‘Mulholland Drive’, ‘Abre Los Ojos’, and of course on TV’s ‘Lost’.  In short, a genre defined by provocation by its plot raising more questions than answers on each turn.

‘Twilight-zone’ themed articles of this sort ultimately take us to the increasingly enigmatic West Indies team which has taken to the tenets of this genre with passionate embrace.

My words are one thing but the looks on the pained and quizzical faces of the sitting viewing spectators at the grounds (forget the party stands, anyone there would be unable to tell you who just played who), or at the local sports bars, provided all the exposition one could hope for.  Gutless losses fading into convincing routs fading into unconvincing wins fading into captain’s anger fading into more unconvincing wins and then just as match fitness seemed to be attained, the mirror cracked and many were off to the IPL.

Coach Otis Gibson, freshly arrived, must now put together a World Cup ready team in 50 days.

Like the rest of us six million out here, he must have many, many grave questions without an answer in sight.

The ongoing relevance of international exchange tours has been debated on these pages in the past but is it not only the Windies that seems to currently display such a well defined and pathetic streak of indifference to the long and short game formats as they await their T20 contract pickups?

 There was little to help the team’s counter-argument (if they or WIPA cared to give any) as the world witnessed a team virtually ‘doddering off’ time and again over several games before re-gripping the wheel of the ship at the final moment. 

Watching the final ‘win’, a Brit pal quipped: “It’s like watching Madonna, you want to thank her for the memories but you now just want her to stop….please.”  The pop tour market shall determine Maddy’s fate (certainly pop radio has) but by sheer socio-political will, and heaps of deserved nostalgia, the Windies continue. 

After denying apparent fate in its’ ‘darkest hour’ Test series versus Australia earlier this year, virtually all of the wheels have clearly fallen off regarding commitment, direction, the pursuit of excellence and general fitness. 

The final dice (death) roll shall ironically be played out on our enervative shores through the May tournament and while I’m assured that Twenty/ 20 ain’t the real thing, for current West Indian players, what really is these days?

I know, another question.

(Click here to know more about Jonathan)

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