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Those are the losers Cuz...


A final that received guarded but respectable hype inadvertantly and then problematically provivided a full day's cricket that answered any remaining queries about the current Autralian dynasty.

 Being there, I can say that spirits remained high for both sides for most of the day with the Oz supporters unleashing an unending string of unique chants and costumes while consuming the nation's supply of Banks beer.  A chain of empited cups put together by some yobs ultimately ran virtually the length of the southern end of the ground! 

While the neutrals opted to help out the Lankans, it was hard to get anything going after Hurricane Gilchrist came through - the early inclement weather perhaps providing an ominous sign of all to come.

The better team won in an actual final (no one else pushed the Aussies as hard for the entire month) and I should fess up that the reason I declined to put
Australia in my pre-tourney fave list was that I knew that the talent and adaptablitiy gap was quite wide.  That they won surprises no one. That they have virtually lapped the field still boggles the mind.

Some may nit pick at Fernando's off day and a few 'coulda been' plays but when you consider Sri Lanka finished their innings at over 6 per over and still lost speaks volumes of Australia's early reading of the conditions and of their own limited bowling resources.   

Good one on ya mate.  We'll get you next time.

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