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Aswin Sambamurthy

Profile Views:3408



Avg. Reads:4356

FB Likes:133


About Me

Full time Game maker. Full time Product Consultant. Author of a book that might get published some day. India and CSK. Tweets as @aswinsam.

28-Apr-2015 Ashish Nehra - The 'comeback' guy

On the bowler and his journey so far.

4851 TwitCount
29-Mar-2015 Legends in the Age of Analytics

Cricket analytics has been a thing for a while now.

4180 TwitCount
07-Mar-2015 The Achilles’ Heel - Part 2

On who could define this edition of the World Cup.

4093 TwitCount
07-Mar-2015 The Achilles’ Heel - Part 1

On who could define this edition of the World Cup.

4299 TwitCount