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Betting: A necessary evil?


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Do you think betting should be legalized in India?

Yes. Only when it is legalised can it be regulated. It needs to be regulated because it cannot be eradicated. Besides, what is the harm in legalising betting? It’ll definitely be an improvement over the present state of affairs, no?   

Jatin: No. The nature of following for a sport changes tremendously when betting is involved as an entertainment around it. The current fan following around cricket in India, keeping aside the illegal betting crowd, is more keen on overall level and quality of cricket Indian cricketers play. The focus would change to simple on-the-day victories and spot fixing situations which are of no importance whatsoever.

Manik: I am all for legalization of betting. On one hand legalizing betting would mean that the money earned by it will be heavily taxed and therefore will take some sheen off it and will help scrutinize all its transactions for any wrong doings.

Is betting responsible for match/spot fixing?

Hopping:  Yes... and the fact that we’re flawed beings. There will always be players and people who will fall prey to the temptations of match or spot fixing.

Jatin: Betting by itself cannot be termed as responsible for match/spot fixing. It purely comes more out of individual greed around the game- that of players and people otherwise.

Manik: Saying that betting is responsible for match-fixing is like saying guns are responsible for murders. Guns don’t kill people, people do! Like Hopping said it’s the flaws of the human race that are to be blamed for this problem.

If betting is legalized will it be possible to keep fixing out of the game?

No, you can’t keep fixers out of the game but you can make life harder for them than it currently is. Make no mistake, it’s not easy to spot fix or fix matches, but why not make it even harder? Legalising betting will, the reasons for which Hopping has delved into earlier, make fixing less tempting to fall prey to and easier for the authorities to, pardon the pun, spot.

Jatin: Obviously not. Legalizing of betting has no impact whatsoever on the fixing possibility in the game. Even high profile private betting on huge levels of the money can lead to match fixing.

Manik: Legalizing betting will not eradicate fixing right away but is a step in the right direction. Make betting less profitable through taxes, scrutinize all financial transactions and keep the underworld out of it.

Is ICC doing enough to tackle fixing?

Hopping: Yes, considering they’re a bit like the United Nations: constrained by circumstances and inefficiencies from doing much.

Jatin: Fairly so. Fixing is amongst few of the crimes, if I can call it that, which comes under the genre of defensive control. One just can't destroy the evil completely and therefore as to deal with it on progressive levels. ICC is doing what it can.

Manik: ICC is doing all it can, but needs full support of each nation and its security agencies to protect players and prevent Zulqarnain Haider like situations.

Should spot fixing be dealt the same punishment as match fixing?

Hopping: Yes. Nobody fortunate enough to represent the country deserves to be shown any leniency in this matter.

Jatin: Absolutely. Because in both the cases the acts of the players involved are purely out of greed and illegal & unfair with the spirits of the game. The impact on the game should not decide the punishment, the will for the crime should.

Manik: I see that both my friends agree on this one with equal passion. And I share their passion here. These guys are getting the honour of representing their countries. They are heroes to millions. They earn hundreds of thousands of dollars in match fee and endorsements. They have everything they could have dreamt of. There is no excuse for cheating the game, its governors and its followers.

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