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The best test series ever...?


To my mind for any Test series to have the potential to become 'great', it has to be five tests long.  Three tests isn't enough for themes and sub-plots to develop, and if you're going to play Four tests, then why not go the whole hog and play the fifth? 

Obviously the sides have to be evenly matched, and there have to be twists and turns throughout. Whilst you can get some pleasure watching a great team dominate another (West Indies in the 80's, Steve Waugh's Australians) it certainly helps if the games are competitive.

You need a mixture of players at the peak of their game, together with a smattering of young Turks and veterans on a last hurrah. You also need fine weather and an enthused home support base providing a decent atmosphere. 

Finally, the result of series should be in doubt when the final test starts and at least one test has to be a nail biter, in doubt down to the final overs.

Given this background, it is worthy to debate which was the best Test Series of all time. It is with relief and some pride that we , as lovers of the game, note that there are quite a few contenders that come straight to mind, even without making the effort of thinking. To read some interesting opinions and insights on some of the chief contenders, check out the Contributor's Panel Discussion section on the home page. And if you disagree with what is said- well, that's exactly the sort of healthy debate we encourage. Feel free to add your two bits in the comments section, or better still, email us at holdingwilley@cartwheelcreative.co.in.



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