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Karthik Nallamuthu

Profile Views:2952



Avg. Reads:4284

FB Likes:60


About Me

Karthik is deeply passionate about sport and has always wanted to be a sports professional. And he is honest enough to admit that he messed up rather than blaming fate for having wound up with an Engineering and Management degree. He lives for the weekends so that he can play cricket with his mates and watch a lot of football. Supporter of Team India, Liverpool FC and Chennai Super Kings. Follow him on Twitter @highonsport.

10-Jul-2015 ‘Ajinkya’ Rahane and his not so invincible ODI version

Rahane needs to make a strong argument to get himself back into the ODI team. His record doesn't help.

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16-Jan-2015 The Pujara Conundrum

Things have definitely gone South for the man from Saurashtra.

3526 TwitCount
17-Dec-2014 Reinventing Murali Vijay

Murali Vijay has not always been the reassuring presence in the middle that he is now.

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19-Nov-2014 Taking stock ahead of the world cup

It’s time for BCCI and Dhoni to take some tough calls.

4778 TwitCount