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Mayank Mayank

Profile Views:3671



Avg. Reads:6526

FB Likes:185


About Me

Cricketholic, loves Australian Cricket. Biggest Mitch Johnson fan on earth. A CS Engineer still in the making, loves to write and talk about Cricket. Twitter handle: @MayankJohnson22

28-Jun-2016 Waxing, waning West Indies

Once the greatest team on earth, the Windies declined sharply. But hope still remains.

6396 TwitCount
11-Jun-2016 If not Smith, who?

3 people who could possibly be the Aussie captain instead of fidgety Steve.

4713 TwitCount
03-Jun-2016 The 'Cook' who made England dream again

Cook joins 10K club as the youngest batsman in history, showing maturity and patience trumps all.

6745 TwitCount
04-Mar-2016 How do you solve a problem like Steve Smith?

No one knew what to do with Steve Smith. Then he made himself impossible to ignore.

7395 TwitCount
12-Feb-2016 Batsmen vs bowlers no more

The India-Sri Lanka T20 in Pune was that rare thing: a game that gave bowlers a chance.

8340 TwitCount
04-Feb-2016 Money minded cricket

The single-minded grubbing for profits at the cost of global inclusion is hurting the game.

6686 TwitCount
19-Jan-2016 On returning cricket to a city

Cricket was fading in Brisbane, but the BBL brought it back.

5405 TwitCount