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Kirby Meehan

Profile Views:2412



Avg. Reads:4066

FB Likes:30


About Me

Having grown up in rural Western Australia with a sport loving mother, four sport loving siblings and very little television, Kirby learnt to appreciate cricket at an early age. When Steve Waugh came into her life, that enjoyment was cemented into passion. She has a degree in English, created the Australian cricket blog Thoughts from the Dustbin, and has since written for Deep Extra Cover, Sportskeeda, and All Out Cricket magazine.

03-Nov-2014 5 batters who could be better than Shane Watson at number 3

What if Watson isn’t fit for the world cup in February? Here's the answer.

4122 TwitCount
21-Oct-2014 Ageing Australia has a bright future

What future holds for the Australian Test side.

4009 TwitCount